It is often claimed that laser hair removal is reserved for light skin with dark hair. However, this idea has long been outdated: dark and olive skin tones also have safe access to permanent laser hair removal. For over a decade now, it has been possible to safely remove hair for darker skin types.
Thanks to advances in next-generation lasers, such as our Clarity II laser, the melanin in the hair is no longer confused with that of the skin. Thus, tanned, olive, or dark skin tones can benefit from laser hair removal on all areas of the body and face, without the risk of heat-related burns. Discover the type of laser used, precautions to take, and pricing for hair removal for dark and olive skin.
The choice of laser for hair removal on dark and olive skin tones is crucial. It must be able to distinguish between hair color and skin color. In this case, our specialist always opts for the Nd Yag laser. This low-wavelength laser is specifically designed to destroy hair without harming skin tissue.
What is my skin phototype?

Don’t worry, we will determine your skin phototype together using a few questions during your consultation.
Phototype 1: Very fair skin, possibly with freckles, very sensitive to sunlight.
Phototype 2: Very fair skin, prone to sunburn and may tan slightly.
Phototype 3: Fair skin of individuals who generally have blonde, or even light brown, hair.
Phototype 4: Slightly olive skin and less prone to sunburn.
Phototype 5: Darker skin that tans easily without sunburn.
Phototype 6: Black skin that does not sunburn.
Before your laser session
Before starting the laser hair removal process for dark and olive skin tones, it is crucial to undergo a free initial consultation.
Our specialist will carefully examine your skin and hair, then perform a laser test to precisely adjust the treatment intensity and minimize associated risks. The practitioner will also provide pre-treatment instructions.
Before the first laser hair removal session, it is recommended for the client to avoid using wax, electric epilators, and other hair removal products that pull out the hair for approximately one month. However, shaving is crucial; two days before the session, it is advised to shave the treatment area, leaving a small portion of hair unshaven. Following our meeting during the consultation and analysis of the unshaven area, we will tailor the laser for each session to achieve optimal results.
Pre-Treatment Instructions:
– Shave the area 48 to 24 hours beforehand, leaving a small portion unshaven for hair analysis.
– Exfoliate 48 hours before.
– No sun exposure 4 weeks before or during treatment (including self-tanners).
– No creams on the day of treatment.
– No essential oils, perfumes, or acids/vitamin C 2 days before the appointment.
– If treating the armpits, no deodorant.
– No waxing, tweezing, or epilator creams; ONLY shave or trim.
– Avoid wearing black clothing on the day of the appointment.
During your laser session
During your laser session, you will wear protective goggles, and the specialist will review contraindications and provide a post-care reminder with you. Then, she will adjust the laser settings based on your skin color, hair thickness, and color (especially with the small unshaven part) and the area to be treated.
After cleaning the treatment area, the specialist will apply the handpiece of the laser to the area. A burst of cold air (Clarity II cryogenic system) will then be pulsed to alleviate pain, providing real comfort to the patient during the procedure. Next, the laser will be activated, and a laser shot will destroy a percentage of the hair. Depending on the area to be treated, such as large areas like the back or legs, our intelligent handpiece (IntelliTrak™) is equipped with a roller that increases speed by up to 45% faster than other lasers.
So, a quicker and less painful summary please!
After your laser session
After your laser hair removal session, you may notice some redness and experience tingling and itching. Therefore, it is necessary to hydrate the skin by applying a reparative cream, such as fragrance-free aloe vera gel if possible, to alleviate these symptoms. Small scabs may form. Do not scratch them, as they will fall off naturally within 3 to 5 days.
After Your Laser Treatment:
– Hairs will fall out between 10 and 14 days, so do not pluck them.
– No exfoliation for 72 hours.
– Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks.
– Apply sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 30 or 50 to the area and reapply every 2 hours.
– Avoid the gym or exercise for 48 hours.
– Wear loose-fitting clothing.
– Use warm, not hot water for showers for 48 hours.
– If treating the armpits, no deodorant for 48 hours.
– No vitamin C for 3 days after, no retinoids during treatments.
– For hair removal, if the treated area is red, itchy, or swollen, apply a cold compress and aloe vera gel. If you notice peeling, burning, or bruising, please do not hesitate to contact us.